Informed and Engaged
(Editor’s Note: With the 2020 election just a few days away, we checked in with some seniors in Government class to see what they are studying and thinking about.)
By Aidan S., Class of 2021
Hello, my name is Aidan S. and I am a senior at Da Vinci Design, and I take Frank Solis’s government class. While government and politics have never been my favorite subjects to talk about, those who know me know I love to talk and ask a lot of questions. With everything going on in the world, the pandemic, the outcry for social justice, and the state of the union with the upcoming election, I decided that I was going to pay more attention to what was going on in the world and start to formulate my own opinions on what has been happening. Government has been the class that has allowed me to explore and understand more about current issues and our own government.
In government we have focused on many different aspects of what has been happening in the world. From understanding our own Constitution to the current election and the Electoral College. We have effectively examined these topics and discussed issues or conflicts of interest that might arise in these processes. Talking through these topics helps us, as a class, become critical thinkers when confronting societal problems and finding solutions to make our society and democracy better. The most important thing about this is that it gives us as students an introduction into the world of politics. This helps young minds break that idea of ‘Oh I don’t pay attention to politics’ because it shows the real world impact that our votes have on others, and it allows us to think of ways we can create change in the world.
By Sofia R., Class of 2021
My name is Sofia R. and I am a senior at Da Vinci Design. Among other courses, I take Government where we break down the history and foundation of our government, in hopes of gaining a better understanding of its past and importance in current times, and to develop our own opinions and beliefs as we enter a new chapter in our lives. Coming from a long line of Mexican Immigrants, any conversation involving politics was avoided and almost never talked about, often due to our lack of knowledge in the subject. With a very important election around the corner and the domino of current events that have occurred this year alone, I have gained a new motivation and interest in educating myself about politics, in hopes of further educating my family as well as preparing for when the time comes when I am allowed to vote.
With the nation’s current state and important upcoming events, we have been focusing on covering all aspects of the 2020 election including but not limited to debates, conventions, and registering to vote. We have taken time to learn and analyze the U.S. Constitution and its principles in order to view current debates and conventions in a different lens. Recently, we had a Da Vinci alumnus join us to give a presentation on ways of being involved in political action as well as its importance despite some students’ ineligibility to vote. They brought to light certain Propositions that could potentially be life changing to some people as well as shared their own political experiences and stories. Such discussions and presentations have been more than informative and engaging because they have allowed us to better understand the history and facts of politics, while also analyzing and connecting such ideas to present day through current events and personal experiences. Government also has been a safe space in which opinions may be shared regarding social injustices, uncomfortable conversations, and political beliefs.