Da Vinci’s First-Ever Community Learning Day Brought Students and Staff Together from Across Our Schools
Da Vinci's first-ever Community Learning Day on Oct. 11 was a success with high school students across our organization enjoying a day of flexible learning with time to explore their interests, follow their passions, and create their own meaningful learning experiences. Find out how students spent their time on- and off-campus while making new connections as part of this exciting new initiative. CLDs were created in response to our community’s desire to provide more opportunities to bring students together across all our high schools: Communications, Connect High, Design, RISE, and Science.
There are three more CLDs scheduled this school year (Nov. 8, Feb. 10, Apr. 21). For each CLD, students can sign up to work independently at home, come to the Douglas campus for an exciting learning opportunity with peers from across our schools, or create their own learning experience that is personal and relevant. When students are in the driver’s seat, they cultivate important skills that serve them long after they leave high school – leadership, time and project management, self-awareness, resiliency, and an authentic passion for lifelong learning, to name a few.

On-Campus Learning
At our first CLD held on October 11th, 462 students from all five of Da Vinci’s high schools came onto the Douglas campus for a variety of exciting workshops such as Financial Literacy, College and Career Learning, Community Service, Finding Your Purpose, Developing Interviewing and Networking Skills, Athletics Training, Knitting, Photography, Fine Arts, Poetry and Dance, and many more. College workshops focused on self-discovery, learning about Naviance and starting the college search process, college applications, and personal statements. Some of the career learning workshops had guest speakers including architects, engineers, counselors, psychologists, personal finance experts, and more. We extend our gratitude to LA World Airports and Kinecta Federal Credit Union for their partnership.
In teacher Jason Kartez’s Fabrication workshop, students gained hands-on experience learning how to use a table saw, chop saw, drill press, and tig welder in the CTE Lab to make wood cell phone holders. In the Intro to TV Journalism workshop, teacher Kalena Verran used her personal connection to bring CBS News correspondent and morning co-host Jamie Yuccas to campus to talk about a career in TV journalism. Students wrote news scripts and developed their own newscasts receiving feedback from the veteran journalist. Teachers Casey Dykes and Joe Campanelli led students on a Community Service project at Del Aire Park. Students created balloon columns and helped with final preparations for a community event celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month.

Anniyah, a senior at Da Vinci Connect, participated in a community service workshop alongside two girls from Da Vinci Science who she just met for the first time at CLD. “The whole Community Learning Day concept is cool because it brings all the schools together and builds a sense of community. We have all these different workshops to branch out into no matter our interests. I think it’s really cool.”
“I chose the letter writing workshop because I like doing community service,” said Tamia, a junior at Da Vinci Connect who participated in teacher Noemy Carrillo’s community service workshop. “When I saw that we would be writing letters to people in nursing homes, I liked that. I’ve written letters to people in the hospital in the past and it was a really meaningful experience for me. I thought I should do this again.”
Allyson, a 10th grader at Da Vinci Science shared, “For me, it’s very nice to meet new people who share the same interests and have something in common. I like the bond. I like the new connections we are making.”
Off-Campus Learning
For many Da Vinci students, the first CLD day provided a chance to get caught up on schoolwork, work on college applications, learn more about a career path they want to pursue, or work on something that ignites their passion. It’s been incredible to see all of the rich learning our students engaged in!
Tony and Vince, 9th graders at Da Vinci Science, spent the day with their uncle learning how he rebuilt the engine of his grandfather’s 1953 Willys Jeep. They gained hands-on experience, helped him with a few finishing details, then tested it out in the mountains! Da Vinci Design student Aymirez visited the Petersen Automobile Museum with his uncle, D’Andre. Both Aymirez and D’Andre are car enthusiasts and Aymirez is interested in becoming a car designer. Dylan from Da Vinci Connect High visited the Getty Museum.

Teacher Learning, Collaboration and Planning
While CLDs empower students to take a deep dive into something they’re passionate about, they also provide valuable time for our hardworking educators to plan, collaborate, and do something new themselves.
For Da Vinci Connect High math teacher Casey Dykes, leading a community service project (at Del Aire Park) with Da Vinci Design teacher Joe Campanelli, is near and dear to her heart. “I chose community service because I like to give back to the community and I wanted to provide that experience for students. When I was in high school, volunteering was very important to me and I want our students to feel the rewards of giving back. Joe and I met for the first time in our planning meeting. We were both passionate about providing an experience where students can get off campus and into the community.”
Student Feedback
Curious how students felt about CLDs? In a recent feedback survey, 85% rated their first CLD as excellent or good. Here are some thoughts they shared with us:
“I think that Community Learning Days are a pretty cool concept. I was really excited to come here. I go to Da Vinci Connect and we never really get a chance to come here.”
“I went to San Francisco to tour Santa Clara University.”
“I liked meeting new people.”
“I like how we actually got to use the tools (in the CTE Lab). It was really enjoyable and easy to use. Thank you to the teachers.”
“I enjoyed the activities. Drawing and painting are two of my favorite hobbies so I knew it would be fun.”
“I was able to volunteer for the first time at an animal shelter, which is something I'm passionate about because I want to be a vet. A lot of the time, I don't have opportunities to do non-school related extracurriculars, so I appreciate the free day to do that.”
“I liked that I got to talk to the newscaster Jamie about her life in the journalism world and how she started. She also gave us advice on starting out.”
“I really appreciated writing letters to those in nursing homes! Doing that made me very happy and I believe those who receive the letters will be grateful.”
“I like that I had the opportunity to work from home and complete assignments and other things without having to be at school. I feel like this is a great chance for some students to finish things and have a little more rest.”
“I was able to catch up on homework and it was very needed. Helped me not be as stressed.”
“It was very relaxing.”
“I liked that we had time to learn new, interesting things and still get to talk and hang out with friends.”
“Crocheting is definitely harder than expected. It looks so easy when people do it, but when you try to do it there are so many steps to the process. I think CLDs are interesting, they give students time to relax, to not think about school work or be stressed, and gives them time to have a better mental state when they go back to school.”