To: Da Vinci Community
From: Dr. Matthew Wunder, Chief Executive Officer
October 2, 2020
I hope this email finds you and your family healthy and well.
I am writing to update you on our planning related to Phase 3 of our Phased-In Hybrid Reopening Plan. We had scheduled October 5th for a potential increase in on-campus instruction and activities that would be difficult or inequitable if delivered at home. However, Los Angeles County is currently in the “purple” tier for reopening, which indicates widespread COVID-19 infection, according to California’s Blueprint for safety.
We continue to receive direction and information from state and local authorities, and most specifically from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. At present, we do not see a return to on-campus instruction before the second semester (January 2021) at the earliest.
Da Vinci’s COVID-19 Compliance Team continues to monitor information for future on-campus services and instruction; however, we will remain in remote instruction until further notice.
Prioritizing the health and safety of our community is our top priority. We will continue to update you as we receive further guidance and direction from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. We can appreciate the concern and stress that this pandemic has had on our students, families and staff, and we want to assure you that we will do everything possible to keep you informed.